If you are one of those, feel lucky! It is not tough to keep away the Buzz from your Gmail inbox. According to Adam Pash, any Buzz notification automatically matches the Gmail query label:buzz, so all you’ve got to do is set up a quick filter to keep those Buzz notifications out of your inbox. Here’s how it works:

Filter Buzz Notifications Out of Your Gmail Inbox

  1. Click on Create a filter link in Gmail (next to the search box)

  2. In “Has the words” text box, enter label:buzz. Click on Next Step. Gmail will warn you that Filter searches containing label and a few other search operators won’t work, but don’t worry, they seem to work just fine, so click OK and move on.

  3. Finally, tick the checkbox next to Skip the Inbox (Archive it) and the click the Create Filter button.

That’s it! From now on, your Gmail inbox should be Buzz-free. You can optionally add a special label to your Buzz items at this point, or you could just search label:buzz whenever you want to check out your Buzz notifications.

How to Turn Off Buzz completely?

In case, you want to turn off Buzz altogether, just find the tiny turn off buzz link at the very bottom of your Gmail window. I am using Adam’s screenshot as I am not lucky enough to get access to Buzz yet.

 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 24 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 50 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 76 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 97 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 61 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 12 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 40 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 67 How to  Hide Remove Google Buzz From Your Gmail Inbox - 87