In comparison, the upcoming iPhone 7 is priced at Rs 60,000 for the 32GB variant which isn’t a bad deal overall, though a lot of customers would prefer purchasing a 128GB handset. You can check out rest of the official prices for the upcoming iPhone 7 and 7 Plus right here. Moreover, given their recent market share plummet in India, it would make sense for Apple to now bring down the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus to the mid-budget price bracket and iPhone 5S to budget that still sells for an unjustified price of Rs 21,000. As a result, we would recommend waiting for iPhone 7’s launch right now. Announced originally in October 2015, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are still worthy smartphones to purchase. Both of them feature 3D Touch, improved Touch IDs, Apple’s A9 chipset, 12MP rear cameras with Live Photos and 4K video recording. They come with an aluminium unibody and carry a 4.7/5.5-inch display respectively. Moreover, there’s a fingerprint scanner housed under the home button and they run on the latest iOS 10.

Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 97Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 80Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 18Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 77Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 33Apple Drops Prices of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in India by up to Rs 22 000 - 79